Our Company
Ergineer Software founders were got together in 2004. We were a small Web Group at first. We named ourself as SGN (Software, Graphic, Network) and we worked under that name about 20 years, mostly as freelancers. We made our first professional job in 2005. Since that time, we have made thousands of websites (500+ company websites, 500+ scripts, 5000+ modules, 1000+ architectures etc.). After all these experiences (21 years), we have decided to institutionalize and we established Ergineer Software Company (Ankara, Turkey) together.
Why we waited so much for this? In fact, we have taken many steps towards institutionalization. Our main target were always to develop our own projects. We made steps our all projects and jobs to these days. We always went upper, added our passion to our jobs, we have acumulated experience and finally we started to share all this knowledge with our customers.
Our Goal
A software project is not just a job. It's always a dream belongs to an owner. We are working on our dreams for 21 years, we are living it, we are coding it with our passion. We know the value of all dreams. We get all dreams as our dreams, we add more fantastic ideas onto them, we can work on your dreams with you, we can code your dreams.